Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Band Concerts 5-10

May was a month full of music as everyone had a band concert! Here are some excerpts from each one...

Am trying to upload video from each concert... in process...!
Hannah's 5th grade Spring Concert:

Alli's Concert Band 2 Spring Concert (she will be moving up to Symphonic Band next year!):
Zach's Symphonic Band Spring Concert:

Hannah's Wax Museum 5-10

Hannah was part of a Wax Museum project at school where each student chose a famous American from a list, researched him/her, and took part in a night for parents where they became the person they researched and brought them to life with a speech spoken as the person. Hannah was Dian Fosse, the Dr. who lived with and researched gorillas in Africa. She did great!

Recital May '10

Here's a few pics from Alli's jazz routine during her recent dance recital. The routine was to "All That Jazz!" It was a fun routine to a great song :)