Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Band Concerts 5-10

May was a month full of music as everyone had a band concert! Here are some excerpts from each one...

Am trying to upload video from each concert... in process...!
Hannah's 5th grade Spring Concert:

Alli's Concert Band 2 Spring Concert (she will be moving up to Symphonic Band next year!):
Zach's Symphonic Band Spring Concert:

Hannah's Wax Museum 5-10

Hannah was part of a Wax Museum project at school where each student chose a famous American from a list, researched him/her, and took part in a night for parents where they became the person they researched and brought them to life with a speech spoken as the person. Hannah was Dian Fosse, the Dr. who lived with and researched gorillas in Africa. She did great!

Recital May '10

Here's a few pics from Alli's jazz routine during her recent dance recital. The routine was to "All That Jazz!" It was a fun routine to a great song :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Tally Ho Farm

Here's a video showing a 360-degree view of the stables where Hannah is taking riding lessons. It shows the 2 arenas and 2 of the barns where some of the private horses are kept, along with the pastures where other horses are kept around the farm. It's about 25 minutes from our house. Hannah is loving it!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Highland Girls Contest 3-6-10

Click here to see a
video of one of the Highland Girls drill team performances that Alli participated in yesterday. They've now competed in 3 contests and have done fantastic at each, bringing home lots of awards. They are now basically through with this season with the exception of a couple of school performances and tryouts for next year. This video is of their novelty routine. Alli is center left with her partner on Alli's back at the beginning. She is always just left of center during the routine. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Christmas 2009 (64 photos), by A Reynolds

I'd like to share my Snapfish photos with you. Once you have checked out my photos you can order prints and upload your own photos to share.
Click here to view photos