Thursday, December 15, 2011

Happy Holidays! 2011

Once again, we're saving a few trees by sending out a video holiday card.

Wishing you a restful, safe, enjoyable holiday with family and friends!

The password for this video is '2011'.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

My Girl ;)

Took some pictures of Hannah goofing around... she can wear a hat like no one else!

Highstepper Kick 10-28-11

Alli made the kick routine for this week, the last home game of the season unless they have the first playoff game at home.

She starts basically in the middle of the screen.

Highstepper Prop Routine 10-17-11

Alli made the prop routine and performed while Mom was here -- it was great for Mom to be able to see her at a game! Although, you'll see a couple of the girls lost their balance in one spot... the routine is quite difficult, but overall they did a fantastic job!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Homecoming 2011

Homecoming 2011

Homecoming was last night for Alli and Zach! They both had dates but went with a group of friends, some had dates some didn't. There were 18 of them. In typical Woodlands over-the-top style (or at least we think so!), they had a limo take them to a restaurant for dinner, then a place for outdoor group pics, then to the dance, then to a house of one of the girls for a swimming after-party. The after-party was over at 2am. 9th grade... We're wondering what they have to look forward to in life now! But, they had a great time and looked great, too :) Click on the picture above to get to an album of pictures of the night.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hannah's 13th birthday!

Ok, I can't believe we have 3 teenagers! Hannah turned 13 last week! But, to be honest, she seems much older than her 13 years. So pretty, smart, and a GREAT sense of humor :) She chose Saltgrass Steak House for her birthday dinner and afterwards we celebrated with a few gourmet cupcakes from a shop here that's all the rage. Here are a few pics we snapped when celebrating at home :)

Highsteppers 8-25-11

Alli had her first football game performance last Thursday night in the season opener! She had a blast! She had to try out for the routine and made a full spot, where some upper classmen or other freshman didn't make it or had to share a spot. They will perform this particular routine 3 times. They are trying out for another routine this week as they have to try out for each routine in order to perform. She was thrilled that she made the first routine and that's a great thing as a freshman. We are really proud of her! She is in the row facing you and is left of center during school song. In the routine, I zoom in so you should be able to pick her out :)

Highsteppers 8-25-11 from A Reynolds on Vimeo.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Max the swimmer! Well, kind of...

After last year's feeble attempt to get Max into the pool, we gave up for fear of scarring him for life! But, we were anxious to try again this summer, knowing that if he just got used to it and overcame his fears, the exercise would be great for him. So... we thought we'd give a doggie life vest a try (yes, they actually do make them!). This video documents our attempt today. Not too bad and I think we'll try again. Just after a couple of times stepping onto the large sun step in our pool, he's comfortable doing that now on his own so there's hope he may take to swimming with the vest :)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Jazz Recital 5-28-11

Alli had her dance recital last week... probably her last one since she's not going to continue with jazz given next year her time will be taken up with school and drill team, and gymnastics if it can work it's way in with everything else! Alli thinks the recital jazz routine this year is incredibly simple, possibly because they had such a large class. Still she had fun!

Jazz Recital 5-28-11 from A Reynolds on Vimeo.

Hannah - Tally Ho 5-11

Hannah is still loving her riding. She will go to a week long camp at Tally Ho next week. This shows her riding a few weeks ago. The horses were acting up a bit because of a storm that started during the lesson. It's the only rain we've had in months. I also caught some horses in one of the pastures playing in the rain! You can see how dry it is, though... even in the rain there is lots of dust kicked up by the horses. We are well over 10 inches under the normal rainfall amount at this point in the year.

TallyHo5-11 from A Reynolds on Vimeo.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Alli's Gymnastics Meet 5-14-11

Here is some footage from Alli's gymnastics meet last Saturday, 5-14-11. She performed bars, vault, and beam. She hurt her back on her first vault landing and we kept her out of the floor competition but she finished with beam and got first in all she did so she was pleased! Her back is a bit sore, but she's fine and will be back to normal in another day or two.

Flips Meet 5-14-11 from A Reynolds on Vimeo.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Highland Girls Novelty - Magnolia Competition 1-29-11

Highland Girls Novelty - Magnolia 1-29-11 from A Reynolds on Vimeo.

After the routing has begun and the girls are in lines, Alli is front row, third from left. When they are in sets of three, Alli is in the back of her three. After that, she is front row, most always just left of center.

Highland Girls Pom - Magnolia Competition 1-29-11

Highland Girls Pom-Magnolia 1-29-11 from A Reynolds on Vimeo.

Alli is in the front row, 4th from the left (just left of center).

Highland Girls Kick - Magnolia Competition 1-29-11

Highland Girls Kick - Magnolia 1-29-11 from A Reynolds on Vimeo.

When the routine starts and the girls are in straight lines doing kicks, Alli is in the second row, dead center.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Best Friends Forever!

Playing with the new Mac and made this 'movie' trailer of Alli and her friends using a new iMovie upgrade. Fun!

Three BFFs from A Reynolds on Vimeo.

The Password is '2010'.

Sunday, January 2, 2011